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US Cellements Launch Tour

Cellements BioPocket Screen & Hand Spray

Cellements BioPocket Products

Swedish Bio Tech products the size of your pocket now officially launched in USA.

Our Pocket Concept is designed to fit into the trend of making your life easier and more fun. At the same time giving you a better health and quality of life.
— Anders Karlsson, CEO & Founder of Cellements
WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, UNITED STATES, October 17, 2018 / -- US Cellements Launch Tour is on the go. Tour started in Detroit on October 13 and will have four more stops in San Diego (October 15), Pheonix (October 16 & 17), Atlanta (October 18) and Minneapolis (October 19).

Mr. Anders Karlsson, CEO & Founder of Cellements and Mr. Nicolas Andreasson, Global Master Distributor are coming to your city and invite you to join them in learning more about the BioPocket line of products that revolutionized Europe.

Cellements brought together a team of international experts in the Bio Tech industry to make sure the BioPocket line of products is effective, user friendly, and most important environment-friendly. Or as Cellements simply introduces them “a series of products developed with both nature and human in mind.”

From an alchool-free hand and screen spray, that is designed to keep you and your cellphone protected against any bacteria, to a natural insect repellent, an energy booster, a natural sleep aid, an antioxidant spray, and others, the BioPocket series of products are all Made in Sweden, a leading country in product development and banned GMOs.

The most popular among them seems to be the antibacterial formula of Biopocket handspray proven to be 99.99% capable of killing germs and is absolutely safe to use with no side effects. Unlike other products, its solution is alcohol-free and dermatologically tested to cause no skin dryness and irritation.

Our phones are dirtier than we think. They are in fact 18 times dirtier than the public restroom toilet flush and are most probably carrying fecal matters, showed a study conducted in UK, that suggested our phones exceeded the acceptable total viable bacterial count level.

Biopocket handspray is a portable handspray to fight off germs found in your hands and on your phone. The best part of this is that Cellements developed an app dedicated to reminding you when you need to clean your phone. The app is available for download in Google Play and App Store.

“Our Pocket Concept is designed to fit into the trend of making your life easier and more fun. At the same time giving you a better health and quality of life,” said Anders Karlsson, CEO & Founder of Cellements.

Nicolas Adreasson, a US based entrepreneur and founder of multiple successful businesses partnered with Cellements® to bring the world this unique line of Bio Tech products for a healthy lifestyle. When asked about the US Cellements Launch Tour he replied: “This is an exciting tour. People around the world have thanked me for introducing them to these products and now we have the opportunity to get them in the US.”

Cellements’ products can be ordered online at and are shipped within 24 hours directly to your door. Those interested in the innovative idea, have also the opportunity to join the business and become part of the team by sharing the products to family and friends.

Find more about the products and Cellements at or contact Nicolas Andreasson at or (248)-760-3241.

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Cellements BioPocket Screen & Hand Spray

Cellements BioPocket Products

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Distribution channels: Business & Economy, Companies, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Industry, International Organizations, U.S. Politics